Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Have you seen my tote?

Thought I would start out with a picture of the other side of the boys room. Looks pretty neat right now, they haven't had a chance to mess it up yet. Give them time.
My family quilt group got together last Sat. and cousin Lisa brought cousin Terry's and her quilt block pattern from last year for us. We are making row quilts with blocks that we exchanged through the year. We each picked a block pattern and then each of us made 7 blocks so we would have one of each from everyone. Theirs are the last 2. So I have been looking for the tote that had the fabric I was using for my blocks in it along with my set of blocks for my quilt. I looked every where more than once. I looked everyday more than once. I took things off of the shelves in the barn, I looked in the boys room even though we took everything out of there. I looked in the dining room where I had some of my quilting things. I was getting pretty upset and called cousin Lisa to see if it got put in her car the last time she was here by mistake. I still did not have any luck finding the tote. Then tonight when I was going in to put my jammies on I looked into my bedroom and it hit me! So I went in and looked under my bed and there it was. I put it there so I wouldn't loose it. It wasn't lost, I just couldn't find it! I knew that I hadn't seen that tote in the barn.

This is the fabric that I have used in my first 5 blocks. Our first 5 blocks are Tree, Cardtrick, House, Star and a signature block. Our last 2 are a girl block and a kind of swirly star. I was going to make my star block out of the red and gold but I don't have enough of the red so I guess it will be green and gold. My girl block will be made with the orange for her dress.

This is the signature blocks that we have already. Terry and Lisa still has to make theirs so I am showing their tree blocks. This was a fun exchange and I think that our different personalitys show in the colors that we put in our blocks. It seems like we each like different colors which is a good thing or all of our blocks would be the same.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I put things in a special place so I don't lose them all the time. And of course, just like you, I forget where I put them and feel really stupid when I find them. I swear that is part of the reason I have duplicate fabrics!