Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools Day

Can you believe that it is April already? This year is flying by. Today was 80% WOW. I have been looking for a job and not having much luck. Kelly's temp [where I had to call for Whirlpool] told me that I was not qualifed for a job there because I have never worked afternoons or midnights and because I have always sat at my job. I haven't heard from any others. I only wish I could make what I would at a job at home quilting without alot of cash invested. My friend Judy just opened a longarm shop and said she would hang some of my quilts and put a price tag on them but I don't have any of them quilted yet so I am in a stand still on that. Does anyone else save bits of ribbon that comes on candy and other things? I do and as Gabby and I was in the barn putting things away we decided that I would find a glass gallon jar to put them in. That way we could see them as they are all colors. I have some silk flowers that came on some summer tops but I took them off that will go in there with the ribbons. My DH empted his dill pickle jar last night so guess where that is going. GAbby and I was going to go out to the barn but she fell asleep so I will wait till tomorrow and let her fill the ribbon jar.

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