Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Tomorrow is the big day. Turkey day! I can't wait to get up to put the turkey in the oven. It always smells so good while it is cooking. I have almost all of the pies done, I only have the banana cream one to do yet. The crust is all ready. I just have to cut the bananas and make the filling. I was going to make fruit salad too but I forgot to get the fruit. I got the nuts, grapes, and the bananas for it but not the canned fruit. Oh well I don't have room in the fridge for it anyway. Mom and Garry will be here to eat with us. They are coming early because Garry is working on the barn. I have to float the turkey in the tub. It has been thawing in the fridge all week and is still frozen solid. The tub is the only thing I have that is big enough for it. Nick gets a kick out of it and wants to give it a bath with soap and all of that. Last weekend I started sewing my flannel quilt but I didn't get very far, I had to make too many flying geese units. I got one border of the on it but now I have to make more for another border. I should have it done sometime this weekend. Then I have to get back to the retreat challenge quilt. Sometime soon I have to make some handmade christmas cards. We are exchanging them instead of gifts with some of my family. I just have to come up with a wonderfull idea for them. Now it is time for me to go for tonight. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and remember that the Christmas countdown really starts now!!! Karen

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