Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Change Is Good

Remember last fall when Judy L. wanted us to show our stash and I showed these 2 pictures of my sewing room? Well my end of the room went from this......
and this.....

to this. Looks a lot better. We got the boys bunk beds after my sewing stuff was moved out. Now they have room to play in their room.

and my wobbly ironing board went from this.......

to this. I got 2 kitchen base cabinets and put it on them now it is very sturdy and does not move when I use it. I even gained some more storage space.

Grandson Nick likes to iron for some reason and was helping me over the weekend and when I looked up to see how he was doing he had the iron laying down as he moved the fabric to the new spot. When I yelled at him to set it up I was too late, it had already left a spot. I tried Maryellen"s Best Press for the first time and I really like the way fabric presses with it. I was pressing background fabric because I am starting a new quilt out of the nickle quilts book and I need something like 296 background squares and I don't have enough in my 5" squares. I have plenty of med./dark squares to do the quilt. I have to show some progress at the family quilt gathering on Sat. I want to do some 4patchs by then. I only need 144 of them. My secret sister picked the Blackfords Beauty quilt for me to make this year. I have to make 36 blocks to make it big enough for my bed. One step at a time is how I am going to do this one. It takes 4 patchs, flying geese, and picket fence units and I thought that if I did it one unit at a time would go faster for me. But I have to work on it before I can get anything done at all.

1 comment:

Terri Hoy said...

Lookin better all the time