Monday, March 22, 2010

Barn Sweet Barn

I am not all the way moved in but I have been sewing in the barn now for about 2 weeks and I love it. I still have somethings to put away and I still have the things in the garage to move in but I am getting there. The top picture is of the end of the barn. I have my cutting table and ironing board is there. I really like my big ironing board[thank you Uncle Henry] but I am having trouble with it because it is too wobly. I think that is from the little board under it. Someday I want a stand built for it. With a shelf under it so I can put a small fridge there. The green and red storage totes go in the loft. I have block of the month kits in them. Gotta get them done one of these years.
This is my sewing area. This also shows that I still have the drop cloth down on the carpet. It has been too wet and muddy not to have it down. I would have a mess without it with the littles helping me move things out there. I have been working on my retreat quilt so I can get that done. I only have to sew the blocks in rows and then into the center of the quilt. After that I have to do the outside border and it will be done according to the pattern but I think I am adding a border of just fabric on the outside to make it big enough for our bed. I am trying to figure out what to do with my thread. In the house I had it on racks hanging on the wall behind my machine. I really like seeing it there but it was getting dusty and I didn't like that to much. It is much to pretty to just hide away somewhere. Anyone have any ideas? HEY Kare, look no beer cans!

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