Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting ready for our retreat

Here it is, all of the parts for our retreat quilt. These are the parts for the whole quilt top which is around 76"x76". I am using civil war repo's. I know that some of the others are using fabric from their stash and that is what I was going to do but I decided to treat myself to these fabrics because I have wanted a civil war quilt for a long time. Now I am getting one all I have to do is get it done. I still have to do my presew but that is not hard. None of this quilt is hard but I'm sorry I can't tell you what it is yet, it is a mystry quilt. We do this every year and everyones quilt turns out different and they are always very pretty. I can't wait!
My step mother found these pictures of me in my dads dresser when she went through his things and gave them to me. This one is from my Junior year. I look a lot different now.

This one is from third grade. I used to like mom to put my hair in a bun.

This is from 2nd grade. This used to be one of my favorite dresses. There was one other picture but that is one that I will not show on my blog. No I won't. I have no idea why these pictures were there and not others. I can't ask dad he won't tell me anymore. The lost albums were found at grandma's house when we cleaned it out. They have been lost since dad took them from mom after they divorced and we didn't know where they were till then. They were all of the pictures from when we were little. [a long time ago] We also found the albums from dads second wife and some from the third one too.


Unknown said...

Oh my, aren't you brave posting pictures. I don't think you could pay me enough . . .
I am anxious to get my fabrics cut out too, but it will have to wait until I am feeling better!

Joanne said...

What a cutie!!