Saturday, September 26, 2009

Show us your stash and Quilting Barn Update

This shows a little bit of stash to the right of my machine.
This shows some more to the left of my machine. I only get half of the smallest bedroom that we have.

Here is the bulk of my stash back in that corner of our garage, back there where I can not get to it. I haven't seen inside of those totes for about 6 years. I know it is in there but I can't get to it to fondle it without killing myself. Are you sure that you want to help me with this mess, Kare.

This is my handyman's helper. He says that it really helps.

This is another helper of his. All I hear it do is yelp alot. It is cute but my cats are bigger than she is.

My handyman running the pipe for my main wire that goes to the barn

The framework for the loft. I am going to get those under the bed storeage boxes and use them up there.

My breaker box with some of its wires hooked up. The barn is getting closer to being done. They have some insulation up in the ceiling. I bought the airconditioner this morning. I got it at 20% off because I got the display one.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Quilting Barn Update

My handyman has started on my barn, inside now. He has the loft framed in and is moving some outlets up from where I had them put. He said that where I had them put I wouldn't be able to use them. He was right because that is where I am putting my cutting table. He has the bracket for my ceiling fan put up. Butch and I went to Lowes the other night and I got the fan and the baseboard heaters and I was going to get the airconditioner but they told me that they are going on clearance so I could save a bunch of money on that so I waited. I am hoping that it is all done by the time my job ends so I can move in. The way he is working it should be done before that. I will have to paint my stars on the walls before I move in. I have to put my cabinets together before I move my fabric in. I hope they are big enough cause I have a lot of fabric. Some I haven't see for awhile. I hope to take inside pictures tomorrow.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Work and anything else I can think of

On August 26th they called a meeting at work. Then they left the boot drop! At the end of October they are closing the doors for the last time. That means unemployment again only this time I really have to look for a new job. Of course we can relocate if we want to but who wants to go to Texas or Oklahoma. Not me I [and my husband ] couldn't leave the littles. We wouldn't want to miss that much of their young lives. Now we could pack them up and take them with us but we like it when we can have them for a while and then send them home and besides all of that their moms wouldn't like it if we took them. Well maybe they would! This is going to be a big change for me, I have done the samething for 33 years and thinking about change is very hard for me. I really like what I do and then I think about all of the friends I have made there and it makes me sad because I will probably never see some of them again and some I will only see if I run into them at Wal-mart. On the other hand work on the inside of my barn will start within the next week. I can't hardly wait. I know it will be a wonderful place to go. It will be all mine. I know that I will be suprised when I see all of my fabric again. I haven't seen some of it for years, not since Butch put it in totes in the garage. I see lots and lots of scrap quilts coming from the barn. I used to buy only 1/3 of a yard of fabric when I found something I liked. Now I know better and I buy more. I know some of you are saying to yourself that you want to come and play with my stash, I mean organize my stash. That is going to be fun and it sounds like I will have plenty of time to do it. I have all of the paint for the inside picked out and Aunt Mary gave me fabric that is perfect for the curtains[lime green with cows]. I plan to paint quilts blocks on the walls and I have cow wallies that I am going to put in the center of the blocks. I think the blocks are going to be a sawtooth star. I am really getting excited about it all. When we built the barn we didn't think it was going to take this long to finish it[2 years] but it is all coming together. Brittany is leaving for college next weekend. The family is going to all go to dinner with her next Sat. night. Butch is going to bake her some cookies to take with her. I am planning some care packages for her. I have thought of some things that I can send her that she will like getting in the mail. Shawn has a job. He has been off of work since January. He worked really hard and got his GED and then went looking for a job and it paid off. He started last Tuesday. The starting pay is almost what he was making before he got laid off at his other job and he worked there for 4 years. The best part of the new job is that he likes it.