Friday, August 21, 2009

The Red Barn

This is my handyman, Donny my brother-in -law. I tried to zoom in but this is as close as I could get from the deck. He has been getting it painted again. I did it the first time but the primer bled through the red. It looks much better now. He will start working on the inside next month sometime.
Here it is all painted red and white. He does nice work. I can't wait till the inside is done and I can move my quilting things in. I will be able to go in and lock the door and have my things right where I left them the last time I used them. I won't have to look for my pieces when I need them because the grew legs and walked away from where I left them. My machine will still be threaded when I go to use it. WOW it sounds great.

We planted some dalias this year and they got huge. Well this one did. It is alot bigger that what it looks in this picture. The other ones look puny compared to this one. We used to plant them at our other house but they never grew this big. All of our other flowers are wilting. It has been pretty dry here and even though we water them every day it is not the same as a nice steady rain. We did get some rain this week but not enough.

The grandkids start school Sept. 1. All of them go this year except for Zoey. Nick will be in grade 3, Ryan in grade 2, Korey in grade 1, and Gabby in Kindergarten. The oldes one Brittany will be a freshman in college and Mikey will be a senior in High school. Alex is living in Chicago.

I haven't been doing any sewing [no suprise there] but I have 14 blocks that I need to get done before the 29th. That is when the family quilters come here again. We are doing row quilts this year. We are taking turns picking a block and then we each have to do 7 of them and give one to everyone for their quilts. So far we have a tree block, a star, a cardtrick, and an album block. It is my turn to pick a block and I have picked a house block. After this month we will only have Lisa and Terry's blocks to do and then the fun begins, we get to put them together. I think I know how I am going to do mine. I want it to fit my queensize bed so I have to put sashing in it or some kind of pieced borders. I am leaning to the pieced borders and I was thinking about doing a couple of rows made with smaller blocks.

Two weeks ago my pump quite working and then the search was on. I had to find a pump that wouldn't break the bank. I found a 1 1/2 horse powered one at In The Swim, on line. I could only find 1 horse ones in town here. It was the same price as the 1 horse and I didn't have to pay shipping, just handling. So if you have a pool and need something for it check out In The Swim. My pool is clean again.
This post is getting pretty long so I am going to quit rambling on an let you go for tonight. Have a great week and I hope I will post again soon.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Brittany was over last night and Nick came running out to give her a big hug. It shows how big he is getting. He is half of Brittany's age and almost as tall as her. Of course she is not that tall herself. Nick misses her when he hasn't seen her for awhile. Most of the time she stops over he is not here. She is busy getting ready to go to college. It sure is going to be different for her to go away, for her and us. We are used to her just popping in when she has time. She is going to Ohio State so she will be able to come home often.
Nick turned 9 on July 18 and we had a small party for him. All of his brothers and sisters was here. There was only 7 kids here[2 of them are under 1 so they didn't do anything] but they sure made a mess.

His cake was a spiderman one. It was yummy.

The raffle quilt that my guild does every year is done now. I put the last stitches in it Friday after work. I had to take it to Carolyn so she could take it to the Berlin Hights basket festival. We set up there to sell tickets. I am very happy at how it turned out. I really wanted to keep this one.It is king sized but if the winner has a smaller bed it will just drape more over the side.

Now I need to get busy and work on some of my stuff. I have lots of starts that I need to finish. Some of my quilts only needs the borders yet before the go to the quilter and some of them needs a whole lot more. For some reason that I don't know I have been a starter and not a finisher. I have to get over that. Some of my things I have cut everything out and never sewed a stitch on it.

I did go back to work about 5 weeks ago. We worked 1 week for the old company and then started working for the new company. We are now owned by Cover Craft. We still have no benefits and still don't know if they are going to leave us in Fremont or not. The only good things so far is they are not taking 10% of our pay any more and we are working steady 5 days a week.